Wednesday, 24 July 2013

MTV IGGY: Gemma Fox Gets Her 'Superwoman' On

By Joseph 'JP' Patterson

Gemma Fox, the former Polydor-signed artist who had the ladies in the UK hoods singing along to her anthems in the mid-noughties, has returned to music after a five-year hiatus. Her mainstream efforts like Gone, featuring Roll Deep’s J2K, and Girlfriend, featuring the legendary MC Lyte, gained her respect from R&B tastemakers in both the UK and the States, but it’s her work in the underground scenes of grime and bassline/4×4 that really made her name revered in the "urban" music industry. Taking it back to her grimey days, Gemma Fox shows off her developed riffs and runs over Dexplicit’s fidgety grime production for new track, Superwoman. And it’s just that: super! Expect an EP in the form of Awake later this year. Welcome back, Miss Fox.

This also appeared over at MTV IGGY: H E R E