Remember when Burgaboy was tearing up raves up and down the country with his bassline productions? Well, that time has passed and he's now taking a different musical route. The switch from producer to singer couldn't have come at a better time, because there's a new soul music brotherhood being ushered through right now, with artists like Shakka, Josh Osho and Jacob Banks at the forefront, and I personally think Burgaboy is in with a good chance. It'll be interesting to see what happens this year...
Monday, 7 January 2013
iRate: Burgaboy - 'Skysurfing'
Remember when Burgaboy was tearing up raves up and down the country with his bassline productions? Well, that time has passed and he's now taking a different musical route. The switch from producer to singer couldn't have come at a better time, because there's a new soul music brotherhood being ushered through right now, with artists like Shakka, Josh Osho and Jacob Banks at the forefront, and I personally think Burgaboy is in with a good chance. It'll be interesting to see what happens this year...