Thursday, 18 November 2010

Lethal Bizzle: 'Pow 2011'

OK, so I went to the Rick Ross concert last night (what a drama THAT was) and I ended up missing the first play of Pow 2011, but luckily Tim Westwood (who gave the track its first play earlier on in the day) was one of the DJs at the concert and he went on and played it. It unfortunately got air on the roads, but prior to him playing this, he played the original Pow and the reception that got, you just couldn't compare it. I'm not sure if I actually like the new version if I'm totally honest, I just think it should've been left alone as a grime classic.

Wiley, Kano and P Money certainly went in with the bars and Teddy did try on the production front, but this failed to excite my spirit like I thought it would've done. Like most tracks that I'm unsure about, maybe I need a few more listens to catch the vibe, but currently it's a myth for me. I do hope it does well, but I have a feeling that this might be a tad bit too grimy for the 12-year-old girls who spend their pocket money on 'grime' these days (I'm sure some of you will get what that meant).