Monday, 8 March 2010

Softly She Speaks

Ayesha Martin from Boxfresh told me that she wrote poems and so I asked her to write one for me about haters and she did an epic job, I must say. I just have to say this quickly, this lady is such a genuinely nice person and its not a beg friend ting because I work with her on Boxfresh or anything, but rarely have I come across such a person like her in this industry...

Anyways, the poem goes like suh...

hate not want not

the more you hate the bigger your prostate. because envy is a cancer. your jealousy won’t dissuade me. poison green dripping off bitter words penned by your inability to stand up like a man. take responsibility for your own life. your own actions. despite your rage against this machine i will not be deterred. i have learned. not to look down upon those belittling me. rather finding within some empathy. it gives me the courage to see a lack of love in you that thankfully, god gave me. and its ok. ‘cos i’ll continue to pray for you. so that someday maybe you can say you’ve made it too.