Sunday, 21 February 2010

Features Elsewhere...

Giggs was recently interviewed by Paul Morley for The Guardian and I thought it was a very big look for the Pecknarm rapper. Paul Morley has been looking at the UK grime and hip-hop scenes very closely recently and even though he might look like another journalist who doesn't have a clue, he actually took the time out to do research and I appreciate him for doing that as there is a lot of journalists out there who write about (or try to anyway) the underground/black music scene and fail terribly. I'm not saying that I'm the best writer, because I'm not, but I sure do know what I'm talking about. Just saying.

Check out the written feature: HERE

Also, The Sunday Times published a piece on grime which came out today and a lot of people weren't happy with it due to having quite a few mistakes, but for a lengthy article like this about the grime scene to have been published in this paper especially, is a big look nonetheless.

Check it out: HERE