Tuesday, 24 February 2009

SUPERSUPER Issue 15 Out Now!!

Yes people, just a quick one to let you know that SUPERSUPER issue 15 is out now, it features my articles on many people this issue including, T2, Tez Kidd, Tempa T, Lauren Mason, Random Impulse, Butterz, Grimetapes.com, and a lot more, including my 4 page spread on Funky House! ; ) . Alongside columns from Elijah Butterz, Chantelle Fiddyion, Loukiac etc...

I'm not allowed to tell you this yet but raggo, SUPERSUPER Magazine will be hitting WHSmith stores nationwide as from next month I think, which is a massive look, so all you artist's out there, you better be on your best behaviour and I might just feature you hahahahaha, joke!

(I'm being totally serious really aren't I)

You can cop a copy from Borders or buy online: HERE