Monday, 23 February 2009

I'm Bacccckkkkk!!!

Sorry for the long ting with the blogging and that, but if you've read a few of my previous posts you will understand why. Although it's all still a lot at the moment, I still love my music which is getting me through it...

So what have I missed?

This is a massive track from Katie Pearl and ex Essential member (DJ Bossman) Perempay who made this monster of a Funky House track. The video is terrible though, what happened on a real though, I hope they do a remake. I swear I should start directing videos, I would do soo much of a lot, yes I am big headed and WHAT BLAD!

Then on to Tim&Barry videos, this one coming from Tempa T and Chronik, who obviously seems to be on road now. This is a very big track from back ah day and as always Timoothy and Bazmondo's art direction is A-M-A-Z-E.

People keep asking me do I think Joe Grind, Dubz and the rest of SN1 copy Giggs' flow, to be honest I think they all have their own style, it's just Giggs' came out first and they all have sort of the same swagger (I hate using that word but it just came to me so whatever) which may come across like they all flow the same, but I don't think so, what you think?

And last but not least, my friend in Garms, aka Carri Mundane aka Cassette Playa is ON this month's cover of RWD magazine, afterall her label is ''Nando's, it's grime, it's dang, it's nang, it's day realness, it's major brappage''.. says the editor of i-D Magazine...

Read her interview: HERE

PS - Eskimo Dance returns Thursday 9th April, more details soon...